Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Random Top Five

Yes, I love John Cusack. High Fidelity was [most likely] his last good movie (there's a number of them I haven't seen, but I'm willing to wager I'm not missing out on anything.). And while Top Five lists are nothing new, it's impossible to make one post-2000 without thinking of John Cusack and High Fidelity.

So, with respect to my favorite '80's actor, here are my top five beer-related possessions that aren't beer (in no particular order):

1) My beer-cap earrings. I found my first pair of these at the Cherry Creek Arts Festival last
summer -- two Lefthand Brewery bottle caps welded into a ball. Obviously, I had no choice but to buy them. Then I lost one at Great American Beer Fest. My best friend made me three new pairs for Christmas and all I need to do for her to make me more is, well, drink beer and give her bottle caps. I think I can handle that. (I swear I uploaded the photo so you can see the earrings, not just to boast about having a photo with J.R. Smith. If I were boasting, I would have uploaded the one with Chauncey or Melo.)

2) My New Belgium beer taps. Remember how New Belgium taps used to be wooden and last year they swapped them out for the metal ones that better suited New Belgium's bike theme? Well, the folks at my favorite brewery understand their beer drinkers and sold the old taps at their store. I was fortunate enough to be standing behind a man who knew this when I visited the brewery last January and, as a result, I now own a Sunshine Wheat and a Fat Tire tap. (My boyfriend suggested that my ridiculous New Belgium obsession may have put me in favor with someone at the brewery that would have then made them inclined to give me such an awesome gift -- I'm paraphrasing here. But no, I bought them. With money.)

3) My Great Divide hoodie. It's brown, comfy and has a picture of a yeti on the back with the words "I believe." on it. I bought this last November and have more or less lived in it since then.

4) My beer map. I've talked about this. It's obviously a big deal.

5) My Birdman drinking glass. Did you really expect me to get through a whole blog post without mentioning the Nuggets? You under estimate my obsession. Another Christmas present from Rach. I understand that this isn't exactly a beer-related object, but I use it for beer. And water. And really anything. It's far and away the best thing Arby's has ever produced. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a vegetarian. (In response to the photo, yes, I am a huge dork.)


  1. Of all the dorky elements in the last photo, the Wallace and Gromit pose is my favorite.

  2. Someday they'll have SAT questions about me. Wallace and Gromit are to Cheese as Jenn and Sasha are to _______ (the correct answer is C) Beer).

  3. Beer girl of Colorado, I have a question.
    If you had to pick a city or town in America as the microbrew capital what would it be?
    Portland? Fort Collins? Somewhere in New England?

    How about more in your turf - which city or town in Colorado is the best for beer - Denver? Boulder? Fort Collins? Explain.

    Finally, is Left Hand a denver brew? How about Tommyknockers?

    Mysterio the anonymighty!

  4. I would have thought that your #5 would have been your #1 really. :-D

  5. JS,

    I'm going to have a busy week, but I promise, I will answer your questions. I have some plans for them. Don't feel like a mangy cat. Also, find your best friend some River Horse to take to Colorado, because I can't apparently get it here.

